(read English version below)
獨參奨学金プログラム補助対象となるWorld Unite Japan株式会社のグローバルオンラインインターンシップ参加者を募集いたします。
-World Unite Japan株式会社の運営するグローバルオンラインインターンシップに参加意欲がある者の経済的にプログラム費用の支払いが困難な学生や社会人
担当者 辻 nozomi@world-unite.de
The Dokusan Scholarship Program gives financial support of 50,000 JPY or 25,000 JPY to individuals who want to do a Remote Internship with an organization abroad. They can apply in case they are financially struggling due to external circumstances, are dedicated to social commitment, or have any other particularly strong reason for how the internship can support them on their professional journey.
When to apply?
Application period: July 20th to August 27th for starting the Remote Internship between September 6st and October 31st.
From all applications received within the application period, a jury will select the scholarship holders based on the information provided in the submitted documents and the total available budget. It may be that applicants are contacted and further information/documents are requested.
The scholarship holders will be informed of the jury’s decision one week after the end of the application period.
A total budget of 250,000 JPY is allocated as follows: 3 scholarships x 50,000 JPY and 4 scholarships x 25,000 JPY.
The scholarship amounts will not be paid out to the scholarship holders, but will be deducted from the invoices issued by World Unite! for the remote internship.
The judges’ decision is final.
What are the criteria for awarding the scholarship?
You should meet one or more of the following criteria that you should be able to present credibly:
1) Difficult financial situation due to external circumstances
You should find yourself in a financial situation that you did not cause yourself that makes it significantly difficult for you to get access to education such as a remote internship.
2) Social commitment
You should be especially committed to the benefit of society. This can for instance be voluntary engagement (e.g. social area or environmental protection), but it can also be manifested in your professional orientation towards an area that contributes to reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals, or other forms of commitment.
3) A strong reason why the internship helps you to excel in the specific professional field.
Applicants can be of any nationality, gender and any age.
Process of scholarship application and to start your remote internship
1. You select the remote internship that you would like to carry out.
2. You send your application documents for the scholarship by email to scholarship@worldunite.jp
The application documents should include:
– Application letter (one page in English or Japanese) in which you describe why you meet one or more of the three criteria listed above and how the internship will help you on your further personal or professional development.
– The signed form in which you agree to the terms of the scholarship. The terms include that after completing the internship you will either write a report (1-2 pages) about the internship that World Unite! and the grantor of the scholarship may publish including your name, or that you will speak about your experiences at an event for around 30 minutes (online event or on-site event near your place of residence).
3. We will let you know the result one week after the application deadline
4. You join an online preparation session
5. You start your internship
6. At the end of the internship you let us know how you want to share your experience: Submit a report (blog post or video is also fine!) within 1 month after the internship or be available for an online or on-site event.
Find the agreement for the Dokusan Scholarship Program here.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Nozomi Tsuji: nozomi@world-unite.de